Tuesday, August 6, 2013

This is an attempt to locate others who have similar problems and perhaps create a solution. I was arrested in 2001 on a possession charge. I received a deferred adjudication. I went before the Texas nursing board in 2003. I successfully completed the stipulations they put forth. Since that time, I find it very difficult to find hospitals willing to hire me. I had my case sealed, however, it remains on the Nursys system. There is where one problem lies for me. The other is in my home state of New Mexico. On the license lookup page it states this license has or had stipulations. It gives the dates for those stipulations.

What I would like to see done is a time period stipulation. Say, one has no issues for 10yrs., then the slate is wiped clean, all record expunged.  I find it unfair that one should suffer for their entire life or career for one mis-step. Yet, that is exactly what is happening.

In a field where there is a shortage of labor, and that shortage is growing, I find this to be counter productive.